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Project Structure - Client

s6pack Client is a React SPA project. The relevant project file and folder structure, aside from the standard React project structure, is as follows:

  • Directorysrc
    • Directoryassets
    • Directorygraphql
      • mutations.js
      • queries.js
      • subscriptions.js
    • Directoryroutes
      • LandingRoutes.ts
      • AdminRoutes.ts
    • Directorystore
    • Directoryutils
      • SubscriptionEventBus.ts
    • Directoryviews

The views folder contains all the React Components that are used in the app.

The utils folder contains utility functions that are used in the app, including the SubscriptionEventBus which is used to handle real-time data updates from the server (further explained [here]).

The store folder contains the Redux store and reducers.

The graphql folder contains the GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions.